1.  Level the mount 2.  Roughly polar align mount as best possible, Do an Easy align. 3.  Pick a star on meridian, just north of celestial equator 4.  Adjust reticle eyepiece crosshairs with north-south and east-west axes of mount 5.  Place the star on the horizontal crosshair with the Autostar If the star drifts up, adjust the wedge in azimuth to move star right If the star drifts down, adjust the wedge in azimuth to move star left 6.  Place the star back on the crosshair using the Autostar and check drift 7.  Repeat adjustments as necessary until no drift is seen for 5 minutes 8.  Pick a star in the east, about 20° above horizon 9.  Place the star on the horizontal crosshair If the star drifts up, adjust the wedge in altitude to move star down If the star drifts down, adjust the wedge plate in altitude to move star up 10.  Place the star back on the crosshair using hand-controller and check drift 11.  Repeat adjustments as necessary until no drift is seen for 5 minutes